4 Surprising Benefits of Exterior Painting Before Winter in St. Louis
If you’re a little upset that we just mentioned winter while it’s still August, we understand. But, as unwelcome as it might be, it’s not uncalled for. We may be just barely stepping from summer into a new school year, but, if we’ve learned anything from past years, it’s that the hop from summer to winter is an extremely quick one. In an effort to help you best prepare your home for the cold, wet, and sometimes wild weather ahead, we want to share a few surprising benefits of exterior house painting here in St. Louis and around the country.House Painting Looks Great, But What Else Does It Offer?

- Protection from termites and other pests. It’s true! Critters that enjoy munching on wood look for easy points of access, and healthy, well-coated trim and siding are basically a closed door.
- Protection against the elements. This includes UV damage, moisture, and more.
- Increased lifespan for your home’s exterior surfaces.
- A first line of defense against mold and mildew, especially when regularly power washed. For more about the benefits of washing, take a look at this article dedicated to the topic.
Exterior Painting May Be Important, But Don’t You Have Plenty of Time Before Winter?
Yes and no. Yes, because advanced exterior painting products that are less dependent on absolutely flawless, warm weather can often be used right into mid-November. The one caution we would offer, regardless of where you live in the country, is that this is a season when professional painters’ schedules tend to fill. Last-minute exterior painting and repairs and pre-holiday interior painting quickly claim calendar pages! If you’re planning a project, we suggest contacting your local paint contractor soon. Good luck with your home improvements!Request an Estimate Today
About Kennedy Painting
Our goal as a painting contractor is to provide our clients with the utmost in professional and responsible house painting. Through ongoing training, we keep our employees up to date on industry changes, new products, innovations, and our award-winning customer service standards. From our initial in-home consultation to our final project walkthrough, Kennedy Painting is a painting company that St. Louis residents can rely on. Our attention to detail and proper techniques at every stage ensure that our paint jobs will last. We stand behind all our work written warranty and can guarantee that your painting investment will beautify and protect your home for many years to come.
- BBB A+ Accredited
- 2-year written warranty
- 25 + years in business
- Locally Owned and Operated
People Hire Us Because They Know
- We offer a no-questions-asked two-year warranty on all of our painting projects.
- We are competitive with our pricing structure.
- Our paint jobs last longer because we never skimp on site protection.
- We leave the job NEAT and CLEAN.
- We have long-standing employees that are treated well.
- We give back to our community in many ways, including our annual charity project, Paint It Forward.