Custom Bathroom Painting in Fenton, MO
When you run into a problem, it’s amazing how far a little creativity will go to solve it. In the case of this particular interior painting job in Fenton, it required both a little creativity and some custom, detailed painting.
The goal behind this project was to match a wallpaper that our client liked very much. The issue with the wallpaper itself was two-fold: it was very costly, and because of the steam and moisture level of a bathroom, wallpaper just isn’t typically a good idea for that particular room of the house.
Creating Faux Wallpaper
Our process included the following:
- Repaired pops and bubbles in the ceiling
- Retextured
- Restored the caulk in the crown
- Complete surface preparation and painting!
- For products, we used Black and Heavy Cream by PPG and Down Home by Sherwin Williams for the brown stripe.
The end result is a finish that looks just like the high-end wallpaper our client had in mind, but is durable enough for a bathroom and completed at a fraction of the cost. It doesn’t get much better than that!
Do You Need a Professional Painting Company?
If so, we hope you might contact us at Kennedy Painting! We would love to hear about the project you have in mind, then do all we can to make it a reality.Request an Estimate Today
About Kennedy Painting
Our goal as a painting contractor is to provide our clients with the utmost in professional and responsible house painting. Through ongoing training, we keep our employees up to date on industry changes, new products, innovations, and our award-winning customer service standards. From our initial in-home consultation to our final project walkthrough, Kennedy Painting is a painting company that St. Louis residents can rely on. Our attention to detail and proper techniques at every stage ensure that our paint jobs will last. We stand behind all our work written warranty and can guarantee that your painting investment will beautify and protect your home for many years to come.
- BBB A+ Accredited
- 2-year written warranty
- 25 + years in business
- Locally Owned and Operated
People Hire Us Because They Know
- We offer a no-questions-asked two-year warranty on all of our painting projects.
- We are competitive with our pricing structure.
- Our paint jobs last longer because we never skimp on site protection.
- We leave the job NEAT and CLEAN.
- We have long-standing employees that are treated well.
- We give back to our community in many ways, including our annual charity project, Paint It Forward.