How To Choose Interior Paint Colors
Are you looking to update the look of your rooms? Painting is not only an economical choice but it's easy as well. It is very important to choose the correct color or colors. The correct interior paint color will downplay a room's shortcomings or highlight a home's features.
First you will need to take a long hard look at your room. How much and what type of light does the room get? Are there any areas that can be highlighted, or any areas that need to be downplayed? You also must take into consideration the color of your window coverings (you may wish to remove them) and the floor. Lastly, try to determine the end result you wish for your room. Is it your goal to have the room appear smaller, larger, more cozy, lighter, or maybe higher?
The color you choose can really increase the appeal of your room. It can make rooms that are small and dark appear more open and large. Different shades of yellow and white give a room a more large or airy look. To make a room appear more cozy use dark blue or shades of brown. If your room already has appealing architectural features you should go ahead and highlight them. For example, if the room has elegant molding, paint the wall a color that is darker or lighter than the molding to highlight it. If your room has a favorite object like a fireplace, look for a color that will mix well with the color of the fireplace or other object. You can also decide if a contrasting or complimentary color will work best. If you are planning to redo the entire room, then you must coordinate the paint colors with the window coverings, flooring, and furniture fabrics.
People ultimately choose colors based on several factors. One of the main reasons is simply a person's preference and how the color makes him or her feel. Studies show that green, blue, blue-green, red, purple, and purple-blue elicit pleasant feelings among people while yellow and green-yellow evoke the opposite feelings. Colors may also set moods. Cool blues and greens can bring calming feelings, while orange-yellows seem to evoke a feeling of being welcome.
Lastly, remember that light effects color. The color on your walls may not look the same in different light throughout the day. You might love a color choice in the store but might think it looks gloomy under the light of your home. Bring home sample color swatches and put them on each wall. This will allow you to test the color under your homes natural or artificial light.
After making your final color selection, purchase all of the paint required for the job to assure the color remains consistent. By doing your homework and testing your colors you will be sure to be happy with your final choice once it is on the wall.
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Our goal as a painting contractor is to provide our clients with the utmost in professional and responsible house painting. Through ongoing training, we keep our employees up to date on industry changes, new products, innovations, and our award-winning customer service standards. From our initial in-home consultation to our final project walkthrough, Kennedy Painting is a painting company that St. Louis residents can rely on. Our attention to detail and proper techniques at every stage ensure that our paint jobs will last. We stand behind all our work written warranty and can guarantee that your painting investment will beautify and protect your home for many years to come.
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