Picking the Perfect Paint Color for Your Home Office in St. Louis
There’s a lot to be said for working from home. Less rushing in the morning, no congested drive-throughs to deal with, no commute, and every day can be Casual Friday (at least from the waist down). Working from home still isn’t always a bed of roses, and we know that part of your success is dependent on having a workspace that supports you, encourages your efforts, and gets the job done so YOU can get the job done. Today, let’s talk about a secret productivity-producing weapon that you may never have considered before: your home office’s paint color.Home Office Paint Colors - This Is a Big Deal!

Choosing Office Paint Colors to Suit Your Work Needs and Style
- Do You Need to Focus? - Blues and greens are proven colors for promoting focus and relaxation. They’re calming but not at all bland, creating a soothing, natural vibe.
- How About Some Energy? - If you need a color that lights a fire under your energy level, try something bright and vibrant, like orange or even red. And, not necessarily on all walls; an accent wall may do the trick.
- Do You Work in a Creativity-Based Field? - Yellow has been shown to produce innovation and creativity.
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About Kennedy Painting
Our goal as a painting contractor is to provide our clients with the utmost in professional and responsible house painting. Through ongoing training, we keep our employees up to date on industry changes, new products, innovations, and our award-winning customer service standards. From our initial in-home consultation to our final project walkthrough, Kennedy Painting is a painting company that St. Louis residents can rely on. Our attention to detail and proper techniques at every stage ensure that our paint jobs will last. We stand behind all our work written warranty and can guarantee that your painting investment will beautify and protect your home for many years to come.
- BBB A+ Accredited
- 2-year written warranty
- 25 + years in business
- Locally Owned and Operated
People Hire Us Because They Know
- We offer a no-questions-asked two-year warranty on all of our painting projects.
- We are competitive with our pricing structure.
- Our paint jobs last longer because we never skimp on site protection.
- We leave the job NEAT and CLEAN.
- We have long-standing employees that are treated well.
- We give back to our community in many ways, including our annual charity project, Paint It Forward.