Eureka Professional House Painters Can Add Value to Your Home
A bad paint job on a beautiful Eureka home can actually decrease the value of your home. But, when the same paint is applied by professional house painters, your home can take on a whole new persona - and increase it tenfold in value. Eureka Professional painters will spend the time needed to prepare your home - either inside or out - before the paint is applied, and many house painting companies offer added services such as carpentry, caulking, drywall repair and staining. If decorating isn't your forte' and you're not sure which colors to choose for your home, many professional painting companies offer design consulting. This one service can save you tons of money and time. It ensures that you don't have to repeat the job because you can't stand the color of paint you chose. Adding value to your home means that you must have high quality paint and that it must be applied by painters who offer high quality services. If you're on a restricted budget, most painting contractors will work closely with you to give you the quality you desire at a price you can afford. So, don't let finances hold you back from acquiring professional painters to paint your home. It's better to go slowly and have the job done properly rather than quickly slap a coat of paint on and have it peel and deteriorate later. Before you choose a company to paint your home, find out all you can about them. An online search can reveal many companies near your home and most times you can see at a glance what types of services they offer. The next step will be the interview process. Any good Eureka paint contractor should be able and ready to answer all your questions and to also provide references. You should have your questions ready and they should include: • Does the house painting company offer a free estimate? • What types of services do they offer (for example, patching holes, pressure washing and carpentry work)? • What type of paint do they use? If you live in an area of extreme weather conditions, this is especially important. • Do they remove all trim and exterior items such as gutters before painting? • How soon can they begin the job and when would they finish? You get the idea. Write down a list of questions and make sure you get answers before choosing a company to paint your home. Painting your home is always a good investment and will definitely increase the value of your home if done right. Always choose professional house painters to ensure that you get the ones who will give you the most value for your home and money. Article Source: an Estimate Today
About Kennedy Painting
Our goal as a painting contractor is to provide our clients with the utmost in professional and responsible house painting. Through ongoing training, we keep our employees up to date on industry changes, new products, innovations, and our award-winning customer service standards. From our initial in-home consultation to our final project walkthrough, Kennedy Painting is a painting company that St. Louis residents can rely on. Our attention to detail and proper techniques at every stage ensure that our paint jobs will last. We stand behind all our work written warranty and can guarantee that your painting investment will beautify and protect your home for many years to come.
- BBB A+ Accredited
- 2-year written warranty
- 25 + years in business
- Locally Owned and Operated
People Hire Us Because They Know
- We offer a no-questions-asked two-year warranty on all of our painting projects.
- We are competitive with our pricing structure.
- Our paint jobs last longer because we never skimp on site protection.
- We leave the job NEAT and CLEAN.
- We have long-standing employees that are treated well.
- We give back to our community in many ways, including our annual charity project, Paint It Forward.